The team is in contact with the EPNS (Ethereum Push Notification Service) team to work on important governance notifications:
New executive votes
New polling votes
New executive vote becomes the hat
Important votes finishing soon
Big change on voting percentage in a quick timespan (suddenly spike in a vote)
Subscribe to an address votes (get notified when a delegate or certain address vote on something)
User subscribe to a poll/executive, get notified when it finishes or when there's a new vote
Notify when a delegate contract is expiring ( 1 week before / 1 month before)
executive cast versus schedule (after GSM delay when it affects the protocol )
Your delegate hasn't voted in 1 month / 2 month
Vote is replaced
Unrecognized executive gains MKR
Unrecognized executive becomes the hat
MKR enters in the ESM
Please add comments to include more relevant ideas.