Explore decentralization of Voting Portal tech stack
Deniz DUX
Deniz DUX
In December 2021 and January 2022 DUX team performed a manual audit of the GovPortal's external data sources and other dependencies, which have been documented internally and explore opportunities to mitigate dependencies or optimise data fetching. Most of the resulting conclusions have been fixed in the first release of 2022, which was focussed on a thorough refactor of the GovPortal codebase to remove some dependencies on deprecated libraries, as well as countless optimisations in data fetching.
Furthermore, there are ideas to explore a lightweight deployment of the govportal on fully decentralised infrastructure (eg. IPFS, Arweave) but the viability of this is still being discussed as most of MakerDAOs critical governance data also resides on centralised infra (Github). Adding a new roadmap item for this idea.
Marking this item as completed for now.
Deniz DUX
Look into https://4everland.org/
Deniz DUX
DUX team is currently holistically auditing the Governance Portal tech stack and documenting any third-party dependencies. Next up we'll identify potential improvements and/or alternatives
Deniz DUX
in progress